
The installation is a continuation of the work with Anita Twarowska and Murillo Basso (performance). We ( installed a videoskulpture (sketch) “Körper im Raum” as a synthesis of a movement in the image and space. The public library in Potsdam served as a Gallery as well as a performance space. (see at

Collaboration with M.Pisani and T. Kooijman during a 10 days workshop in Paris Oct. 2019. We thank the team of Les Metallos as well as all the participants and their attendants. Fragility was a keyword in this workshop. The protagonists got a note on which paticular action was written: e.g. Hypnotize the camera, leave the picture in a way you can hardly see it ... etc In before we discussed important matters with the protagonists and the recorded audio was heard during the installation.
2ch installation with sound (st) a project which will be developed with local partners

If we dance in two places in the world at the same time, do we share the same space despite the distance? In this further development of the project We shall dance through the distance, Anita Twarowska (PL/DE) and Murillo Basso (BR) invite the video artists Oscar Loeser & Clemens Kowalski (DE) and Aline Santini (BR) to create in a pop up store in Potsdam-West an installation from the material of the first project phase.